December 11, 2008


5 things that you love:
Since it asks for things and not people:
1. I love Laughter!
2. Snow At Christmas time!
3. Sitting next to a fire on a cold day with Hot Chocolate and Christmas movie/music.
4. I love camping.
5. I love to sing and dance. :)

Five things on my to-do list:
1. Find a's getting old, though.
2. Send a couple post cards.
3. Buy/make a few christmas cards to send out.
4. Call my bank to access my savings account...ugh.
5. Tidy up my room

Five favorite snacks: *just a little obsessed with chocolate*
1. Ice cream
2. Dove chocolate. YUM!
3. Brownies
4. Cup of Hot Chocolate
5. Chocolate oatmeal cookies

Five things you may not know about me:
1. I get scared really easily. -thats an easy one.
2. I cry in almost every movie. ALMOST!
3. I veet my arms - its like nair..but i can't stand nair...veet doesn't smell as bad.
4. I want to travel many places.
5. I want to go to Africa or some place to help little children. with an organization..but don't know where or what organization?

Five quirky things about me:
1. No matter how much I trust the person, I still can't help but get really scared and jumpy in the car with them...bc I'm not the one in control. Sorry, guys. I can't help it!
2. When I was younger I used my saltine crackers as paper...I drew on them and thought it made them taste better. I would do it behind the couch because I would get in trouble if I was caught again. :) hahaha
3. At times, I find myself waking up laughing. Bc of something I've pictured, or something I remember me doing, or just a random thought. lol.
4. When I eat starbursts I have to eat the icky ones first. Orange, Yellow, pink, and then red.
5. When in the process of cleaning my becomes more of a mess then when I started before it gets clean.

Five places i have lived:
1. Natchitoches, Louisiana
2. Casa Grand, Arizona
3. California City, California
4. Leavenworth, Kansas
5. San Diego, California

I got this from Sister Holman's blog. It'd looked fun! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was fun to read, my favorite was the saltine story! or maybe you waking up laughing, cause I could just see you do that.