December 8, 2008

My mama, Gabriel, and me!

So, every summer we would go to this area (forgot the name of it) and we would camp for a week. It was always really fun for the family. There was a river more up stream...and we would get our innertubes and we would go done stream with them...kind of like river rafting...haha, jk. See how blonde my natural hair colors was back then? But through out the years it would just get darker and darker...and now i just change the color myself. Maybe, I will let it grow out and see what my natural hair color is now. That will be a surprise I'm sure. Well, tonight we are going caroling for Family Home Evening. That maybe exciting. I do love singing. Well, this is a completely random post. But It was time for me to put something up and I am feeling a little lazy at 11 in the morning. Well, I'll post some other more important news later. :)


Anonymous said...

Nice Blog! you were so cute when you were little (not that your not now ;) just a different kind of cute!) your hair was so blonde!!! My hair was blonde when I was little and has really darken over the years! i miss u!

Anonymous said...

I wish you could be here to help me paint too! that would be fun... I can wait for you to come out here on a visit, I am having lindsey withdrawls big time!! i luv you sis!! *hug* *tackle* *kiss*
have fun caroling!!
ps i luv your tunes on your blog but i dont hear our jam song "not let me see your hips ssssssssswing!" hahaha

Krilafis said...

You were such a cute baby! This is Krissie by the way, I was visiting the Campbells over the summer? Anyway, Merry Christmas!