November 19, 2008

Our Deepest fear isn't that we are Inadequate

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is out light, not out darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you, not to be? You are a child of God. You playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightedned about shrinking, so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God, that it is in everyone. And as we let out own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. * Marrianne Williamson

I was looking through some of my quotes and I came across this one. It all ways reminds me what I should be doing everyday. Which, is letting my light shine, to remember who I am, and why we are here. It makes me want to be better. I have made a lot of mistakes in my short 20 years. And I seem to continue to make the same mistakes and I know we will continue to make mistakes through out our lives. He has all ready atoned (sp?) for our sins. Now, it is just up to us to go to him and to work to be the best we can be to better ourselves and others. Well, that's all I have to say for right now...oh and I'll throw in one RANDOM fact...I sold my car today. So, I am now carless.

November 10, 2008

When I thought it couldn't get worse...

Friday was a loooooooong day, if I could I'd erase it! to top off my Friday I broke my phone. See I moved here and everything just seemed to go wrong. First, I come home to find that my car doesn't work. Second, I came to find that I do not have a dresser. Third, I am jobless. Fourth, I don't have many friends here. Now FIFTH, my life is my phone, more now then it use to be, because I moved and to stay in contact and as much sane as talk to them atleast on the phone. So, my weekend did get better but my sore throat got worse. Well, I have no idea when I will get another phone. I'll be sure to let everyone know. But I can give you my house number to get a hold of me.

November 3, 2008

This is NOT stupid! This is to protect our families!

Today, someone said that Proposition 8 has nothing to do with morals or religion.
That is the most stupid thing, I have ever read.
Prop 8 is protecting tradition marriage. It's protecting our children from being taught in public schools that "same-sex marriage'' is the same as traditional marriage. We should be putting the BEST interests for the children FIRST. Which, is TRADITIONAL marrriage. Having children have the opportunity to be raised by a mother and a father. If it passes, children will be forced to be taught in health and as young as kindergardeners. Also, they will be taught that there is no difference between same sex marriage and traditional marriage. If it is entacted NOTHING will change. Prop 8 is NOT taking any rights away from domestic partnership. You will have ALL the same rights, protections, and benefits, as married spouses. What is not fair? How is it at all fair to us who support Traditional Marriage, if it passes?
This is NOT stupid! This is to protect our families (there is nothing stupid about that)!


This is to sum up my October;

Basically, Halloween. That is like the only thing that has happened. I went to a Halloween dance...which is pretty normal, right??? Well, it was a new experience because it was on a boat. It was pretty cool. I had a lot of fun! Stayed up on top with fresh air, even though you didn't have your own "bubble". You were always up on someone. But you know how whenever you go and there are hundreds of people...and you all ways have those certain people you can go to??? Well, I don't have that here. IN Kansas/ know how many people I could go and just hang out with??? I do have my brother and his girlfriend and sha at church. And my friend Matt who isn't a member but he has come to church...and has the BOM. It is a work in progress! I miss having those certain people to turn to. You know who you are. :) The boat dance was GREAT fun but when time started winding down, I just got depressed. Looking around wishing, I had those familiar faces there with me. How lame am I??? I know, I have to move on, make new friends. Well, I am trying but the friends that I already have are my BEST friends and nothing could ever replace them. So, there will all ways be that whole missing...for a little while, until we all can see each other on those short visits, when I or they can afford it and have spare time. But I am up for making new friends but it is never the same and I know it won't be. I just have to try harder to open up and be myself and to let everyone know\see the real me. I feel like the people here are to uptight and absorbed with themselves here and very clickish. Like they invite others but they don't really pay any attention to them...just the certain people because they don't want anyone to think it's clickish...because they always talk to us about being unity. They are ALL great people. I am just use to something entirely different. I raised entirely different is why. I just need time. It's like that song; better in time by leona lewis.
Thanksgiving is coming up and a few of my best friends are coming I wish that Anie could be here but I'll see her soon, hopefully. But with them something I need and I've been longing for. I do know that this move has made me realize how much my friends (the ones who have actually kept in touch with me) mean to me. And how I know that everyone of them will all ways be in my life, forever.