January 23, 2009

Note: do NOT laugh while eating!

So, today (yesterday, I mean) I all most died, literally. The day was going normal, so to say I went to Andres house for an interview bc I'll be nannying his daughter every Friday. After that I just was waiting around until Josh got off work because we were going to hang out but he had a meeting. I arrived at his apt and then we went to Albertsons to buy food for dinner. The missionaries were coming over to eat with us. Josh made steaks, corn on the cob, and some pasta....I just watched. I didn't want to get in his way! We sat around the table prayed, talked, and laughed. Me being me...I laughed a lot. One point I put steak in my mouth but hadn't chewed it yet but I started to laugh...and then...I started choking. I didn't say anything at first thinking maybe I can get it out...then after that...I was maybe I can wash it down...didn't work. I looked at Josh...and he asked if I was okay...I was shoke my head no. Everyone got up from the table but the missionaries couldn't do anything bc they couldn't touch me, understandable. So, Josh was going to try the hemlich but I walked into the bathroom before he could do anything...so i wouldn't get it on his carpet. He kept trying and trying but it wasn't coming out. I kept trying to cough it up but couldn't. FINALLY I spit it up! My throat is a little sore right now but I'm alive. The rest of the night I kept getting...no laughing when you have food in your mouth, or every five minutes they'd ask I mean Josh would ask..."Are you okay...are you breathing?" It was probably one of the scariest days of my life and I was really embaressed! I'm so thankful that I'm okay and alive. DO NOT LAUGH WHILE EATING!

January 19, 2009

Sometimes I wish life were easier...

I know that life isn't meant to be easy and that it's suppose to be hard. If it were easy we wouldn't learn anything!! I don't exactly know what to do at every moment of the day or how to go about certain situations but I guess I am learning. These are the type of things we learn throughout life, isn't it?? Sometimes, I wish it were just easier and that we know EXACTLY what to do and how to say how we feel in those situations. Instead of NOT knowing and why we have to hurt people that we care about but thankful for the understanding and the friendship and whatever it may turn out to be in the end. I'm still young and will never stop learning. No one will! It's a never ending cycle. I'm going to stop because I'm rambling on and on and I probably don't even make any sense.