January 19, 2009

Sometimes I wish life were easier...

I know that life isn't meant to be easy and that it's suppose to be hard. If it were easy we wouldn't learn anything!! I don't exactly know what to do at every moment of the day or how to go about certain situations but I guess I am learning. These are the type of things we learn throughout life, isn't it?? Sometimes, I wish it were just easier and that we know EXACTLY what to do and how to say how we feel in those situations. Instead of NOT knowing and why we have to hurt people that we care about but thankful for the understanding and the friendship and whatever it may turn out to be in the end. I'm still young and will never stop learning. No one will! It's a never ending cycle. I'm going to stop because I'm rambling on and on and I probably don't even make any sense.


Anie said...

I am sorry about your man drama! Don't forget to pray and use that as a guidance tool.

Kelli said...

I have often wished Heavenly Father would just tell me what to do and stop making me find out for myself. It would be easier that way. But you are right, we learn as we have these opportunities to figure it out for ourselves (and then pray to make sure it is right). So glad i stumbled across your blog. Mine is private but i will send you an invite so you can read it if you want to!!! Sis Holman