I love this! Someone very close to my heart made this for me. I have to say it really is one of the most amazing things anyone has made me. Well, besides the doll my MawMaw Faye made for me when I was a baby (it's old and only has one eye now) but no one probably wants to see that. ;) I always felt like as much as I tried to explain myself people still didn't understand how I felt or what I was going through. My close friend Clare understood me the most. She got me and was there EVERY single time I needed someone to talk too. Even if it was freezing outside. I couldn't be more thankful for someone like her in my life. Every person in the Thomas family I hold dear to my heart. All such amazing people with amazing spirits and personalities. I know that Heavenly Father answers prayers or even helps us through rough times, even if it is through a friend. Early in my teenage years I had a very low self esteem. I never thought I was beautiful or pretty or anything. I didn't take compliments at all. One day Clare came up to me and said something to me. I don't remember exactly what it was but I did know that I never said anything about that to her before. I asked her how she knew that and she replied, "I'm laurel president and I pray for each and everyone of you." So, Heavenly Father told her that I was having hard time with finding beauty inside myself. I'm pretty sure not in those exact words it was a long time ago. I think I was 16 or 17. I was so thankful to have her and to have someone that understood me a little bit better. WE'd have talks and she would write things and it would be EXACTLY how I felt but I couldn't put into those words. I said wow, that's exactly how i feel at times. She told me she wrote it for me and said I wasn't the only one that felt that way. :) I am blessed to have such amazing best friends in my life and to know who my true friends are. We may be far apart and at different places in our lives now but doesn't change the fact that they WILL be there for the rest of my life. I am forever grateful!
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