March 13, 2011

Day 12 - A picture of something you love.

I know you maybe confused and thinking to yourselves,....what is it that she loves about these two pictures? I do not know these people and no I didn't take these pictures. I found them on Photobucket. I LOVE photography and playing around with pictures. I do have my own that I could of put up here but they are pictures of me and well I don't want to use a picture of me in the day of SOMETHING YOU LOVE. I don't want to come off vain. I love that you can capture a moment in time and have it forever. Because not everything stays the same...but in a picture it always takes you back like it was yesterday. I don't know if I make any sense. I'm kind of scatter brained today and I'm trying to catch up so I'm in a bit of rush. This is something I really love though.

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