So, I've been thinking about doing the 60 day challenge on here, not Facebook. Why?
I feel that I've lost all excitement in my life. Which is probably why I've been feeling the way I have. I get cranky ALOT and that isn't me (or who I use to be that is).
I remember feeling like I was sitting on top of the world. & most importantly I was excited about life.
What was life like back then?
What was I excited about?
I remember how happy I was to be around amazing people (who I miss dearly), smiling/laughing all the time, I loved dancing (swing was my favorite), and I loved feeling needed. I loved to be there for everyone in my ward that needed a listening ear, or some advice. I'm not the best advice giver but atleast I tried. :)
What happened from then to now?
Moving was a big part of it. BUT I think my attitude and my outlook on everything is really what made it hard for me. Then me getting into a relationship with a non-member and going through everything that I did akso set me back even more. My attitude is STILL part of my problem. I just don't know how to change it? I'm pretty sure a social life would help...but I don't know. I have never been one to invite myself to someone else's plans. But what I COULD do that I HAVEN'T done is plan something or ask people if they'd like to go to the movies. I always wait around...and that gets me no where. I can't sit around and expect to be given everything. I need to quit living in the past. So, my solution is to start TRYING again. & I am thinking the 60 day challenge may help get some excitement back in my life!
What do y'all think?
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