November 3, 2008

This is NOT stupid! This is to protect our families!

Today, someone said that Proposition 8 has nothing to do with morals or religion.
That is the most stupid thing, I have ever read.
Prop 8 is protecting tradition marriage. It's protecting our children from being taught in public schools that "same-sex marriage'' is the same as traditional marriage. We should be putting the BEST interests for the children FIRST. Which, is TRADITIONAL marrriage. Having children have the opportunity to be raised by a mother and a father. If it passes, children will be forced to be taught in health and as young as kindergardeners. Also, they will be taught that there is no difference between same sex marriage and traditional marriage. If it is entacted NOTHING will change. Prop 8 is NOT taking any rights away from domestic partnership. You will have ALL the same rights, protections, and benefits, as married spouses. What is not fair? How is it at all fair to us who support Traditional Marriage, if it passes?
This is NOT stupid! This is to protect our families (there is nothing stupid about that)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey I love those fun bridal pics! totally cute, you did a great job! thanks so much. oh and i didnt see on my ballet there wasnt anything for proposition 8, but i would have surely voted yes!