Some people believe that holding on and hanging in there are signs of strength. However, there are times in life in which it takes much more strength to just let go.
I am longing for the kind of life I have had in the past but I can't find it in me to let go. It is my life now and has been for a while now. Sometimes I'm perfectly content with my life (to a point) and other days I'm not content at all. I find myself not being as happy. Altohough, makes it harder when I am remembering the older days. All the laughter and just not caring about my "image" or what others may be thinking. Those careless days were the best and the happiest. Haha, doesn't help that I am pmsing right now and I'm much more emotional then usual. I mean I know I am an emotional person. That's just me.
I was intending to write more but I don't want to go into anything deeper and can't think of anything else to say without saying too much. The quote kind of says it all. MISS Y'ALL MORE THEN yOU knOW!!!!