When I first moved here, I didn't really know what "true friends" meant. I was use to having friends that were not of my faith. I all ways felt pressured to do or say things just to "fit in". Now I think back and ask myself, "What is "fitting in?".
We are all different! Not one person on this earth is EXACTLY the same. We all have similarities, which helps us become friends. Moving to the Kansas/Missouri area, changed my life for the better! I learned what "true friends" are and the kind of friend I want to be, to everyone. It wasn't like that at first, either. I was not active in church but my Mother suggested to go to this activity. It was a fun raiser for Girl's Camp. I wasn't excited at all because I wouldn't even be able to attend Girl's Camp that year. I was scared! I remember walking into that room and how I felt was different then I had ever felt before. A few of the Young Women screamed my name and excepted me right away. Which, was completely new to me. I hadn't had a lot of girl friends before. Those girls are still my friends, my best friends. So, I started going to church, but at first it was not for the right reasons. I was going to be with my new friends. With their example, it changed my life. I started going to church for the right reasons. Staying on the right path is not easy. I had those close friends and they were ALL ways there for me. I did stray away from them a few times growing up and fell in with the wrong crowd. But they were there to help me get back onto the right path. True Friends will not let you do anything you don't want too, they won't try to change you, say rude things about you. But they will RESPECT you and your beliefs! And they won't drop you, when you fall, they'll pick you up. Remember to choose friends who accept you for you and don't fall into those that try to change you and your beliefs. Remember you are the light.
A collage of friends and family. :)
Jennifer's B-day party. :)
After Chelsey, Roland and my berry fight...:)
Uni and Uni 2 :) (U 'n' I....get it?) Chels and I
Janiece and I. My first friend in LV and first best friend.
Like I said life long friends.
And not only was this back when. I have new amazing friends to top it off with. I love you all! :)